On busy days, pay for your pick-your-own bags in the white building and head out into the orchard. At quieter times bags are available in our Country Store. No time for pick-your-own? All our fruit is also available in our Country Store.
Pick fresh blueberries under our bird-proof netting. Eat them fresh, add to a summer salad or pancake mix, or turn them into a sauce, jam, or pie. Ready in June or July, depending on the winter and spring weather.
We are lucky to be among the rare New England orchard that is able to grow peaches, which can be finicky this far north. Pick-your-own peaches tends to start in mid- to late-July, depending on the Season.
Apples are availabe for pick-your-own from around Labor Day Weekend through Columbus Day/Indigenous Peoples Day weekend. Not sure when your favorites are typically available? Check out our apple variety descriptions & calendar.
Check out our new orchard map!